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Ranch Horse Versatility
This clinic demonstrates the five classes in a Ranch Horse competition. It will touch on what is expected in each class and the desired response and attitude of the horse. We will explain what the judges are looking for, the general rules and reveal showing tips and training exercises to improve your score next time. The five classes are Ranch Riding, Trail, Ranch Reining, Cow working, and Confirmation
*Day 1 Reining and Ranch Riding
Ranch Reining in this class the horse and rider complete a pattern consisting of loping large fast and small slow circles in both directions, lead changes, stops, a backup, rollbacks, and spins in both directions.
Ranch Riding focuses on the general riding ability of your horse, the horse should transition between gaits smoothly and crisply, be able to vary the speed of each gait willingly, should be guided easily, and have a good expression.
*Day 2 Mechanical cow and Trail
We will work mechanical and artificial cows to refine your horses movements and enable you to prefect you and your horses skill in rating, stopping, and turning with the cow. The cow can be operated at the speed that is the best for your horse and increased as the horses skill improves.
Ranch Trail this class demonstrates the ability of your horse to negotiate objects that may be found on the ranch, and be able to complete jobs that may be required of a ranch horse, these may include crossing water, logs or bridge, dragging an object with a rope, opening and closing a gate, standing still while mounting or dismounting, standing still while ground tied or hobbled, and various other tasks.
*Day 3 live cattle cutting, working, and roping
Cow working this class is composed of three parts boxing, fencing, and circling or roping. In this class the horse and rider start in the middle of the arena, they call for their cow and one is released into the pen. The contestant then has 3 to 4 min. to complete the required elements. The contestant first boxes the cow, meaning shows control by keeping the cow on one end of the arena for a period of time, when the rider thinks they have shown control, they drive it down the arena keeping it close the arena fence, after the cow passes a marker placed at the middle, the rider cues the horse to pass the cow and turn it the other way. When the cow stops and turns, the horse does the same, keeping close to the cow. They then drive the cow back the other way turning it again before it reaches the corner, these turns on the fence may be repeated until the cow slows, this is called fencing. The rider must then circle up the cow meaning drive the cow in a small circle each way or rope the cow. Some associations allow either, some specify one or the other, if roping normally there is a two loop limit.
*Day 4 review and work on topics as needed
*Day 5 Advanced reining and Trail
We will be going over Ranch Reining and Ranch Trail as we have on day 1 and 2, but focusing on more advancement in all the maneuvers.
*Day 6 cow working and roping Cow working
This class is composed of three parts boxing, fencing, and circling or roping. In this class the horse and rider start in the middle of the arena, they call for their cow and one is released into the pen. The contestant then has 3 to 4 min. to complete the required elements. The contestant first boxes the cow, meaning shows control by keeping the cow on one end of the arena for a period of time, when the rider thinks they have shown control, they drive it down the arena keeping it close the arena fence, after the cow passes a marker placed at the middle, the rider cues the horse to pass the cow and turn it the other way. When the cow stops and turns, the horse does the same, keeping close to the cow. They then drive the cow back the other way turning it again before it reaches the corner, these turns on the fence may be repeated until the cow slows, this is called fencing. The rider must then circle up the cow meaning drive the cow in a small circle each way or rope the cow. Some associations allow either, some specify one or the other, if roping normally there is a two loop limit.
*Day 7 review any topic you would like to work on
*Day 8 Practice or Mock Show
In a mock show, we will set up a showing scenario where each person gets to act as they are competing one at a time. The purpose of this is to prepare the person and their horse for an actual show and understand what they need to focus on at the show or know where their weak spots are while showing their horse. This will be a very hands on time, where each person will be helped and critiqued on what could be done to show their horse to their potential and showing tips to get the most points possible for each individual.
*Day 9 Conformation study and review of all topics
is the last class it is done at the end of the day, the horse are unsaddled led in to the arena one at a time walked toward the judge, after passing the judge they trot away and turn while the judge watches how they move, they then line up and the judge walks around and gives each one a score based on the desired conformation of a working ranch horse.